GCC Artist Toolkit

Artist Toolkit

Empowering artists to take action on climate change.
The GCC Artist Toolkit brings together practical ideas, actions and resources to support artists in addressing the climate crisis.
Whether through direct action, thematic exploration, or leveraging their influence, artists have diverse avenues to take action. However, knowing where to start is often the hardest part. From effective actions to a comprehensive resource index, as well as a blueprint for creating your own environmental responsibility rider, the GCC Artist Toolkit will equip you with the means to effect tangible change.

How to use the toolkit

This toolkit offers guidance for each step of artistic practice, as well as ways you can harness your influence to promote environmental responsibility beyond your own practice.

The 10 sections

You can explore the sections in numerical order or skip between the sections that are most relevant to you using the navigation bar.

the 10 sections

You can explore the sections in order or skip between the sections that are most relevant to you using the navigation bar.

You’ll also find a glossary, an FAQ, and a index of all resources provided.


In each section you’ll find some or all of the following tools.


In each section you’ll find some or all of the following resources

Effective actions

A shortlist of the highest impact actions you can take. If you're new to this, we suggest starting with small, achievable steps and gradually expanding your efforts.

Environmental responsibility rider

To clearly communicate your commitment to environmental responsibility, we've developed an Environmental Responsibility Rider template. Across each toolkit section, we've added lines for you to consider including in your own rider.
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Case study

In each section, we've included a real example of meaningful intervention being taken.


Resources from GCC or other sources that can help you tackle the problems articulated in each section. They might be an email template for you to send to a supplier, or a strategy for having effective climate conversations.
additional help
The artist resource index
The Artist Resource Index is a a list of external tools, networks and databases to support you even further.
additional help
What is an environmental responsibility rider?

An Environmental Responsibility Rider is a document used to communicate sustainability expectations between parties at the beginning of a project. It aims to clarify environmental concerns and targets and should be seen as a framework for a conversation, rather than a contract.

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Before you get started

Some commonly asked questions
Can I really have any influence?
Do all the sections apply to me?
Who is this toolkit aimed at?
What is GCC?